Sunday, February 01, 2009

Book Tag

We've been tagged, first by the Overstreets, then by the Gebhardts.

The rules:

1. Grab the nearest book.

2. Open to page 56.

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the text of the next 2 to 5 sentences, along with these rules.

5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual book. Pick the CLOSEST!

6. Tag five (or more) other people to do the same!

The nearest book is "Exploring Exodus: The Origins of Biblical Israel" by Nahum M. Sarna.  (I was doing a study on the Exodus last week and the book is still laying next to the computer.)  Here's the excerpt:

"By restricting his petition to this limited and reasonable item, rather than demanding the wholesale and permanent release of the people, Moses might succeed in outwitting the pharaoh.  The immediate and outright rejection of even this modest request exposes the true nature of this monarch. No wonder, then, that the divine proclamation to Moses introduces a note of caution. The one called to be liberator of Israel is forewarned of the implacable obduracy of the king of Egypt.  Moses must be prepared at the outset of his new career for a long series of disappointments and failures in his dealings with the pharaoh."

We tag:

5. Concordia Blog Cabin (Alison or Kyle, you better do it or else!)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Thanks for playing along! :o)