Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Very Big Week!

This was a big week for the boys.  Clarion’s mom and dad arrived this week for a visit to meet their newest grandchildren.  The boys had a great time getting to know them. The boys have done so well meeting relatives.  They have attached to their mama and papa very well and seem to know the difference between us and other family members.  Temper tantrums are less and less every day.  Usually they’ll only take place if one of the boys is very tired.  Overall the boys are progressing nicely.  Slav had a 24-hour stomach bug in the middle of the week and his temperature got up to about 104 degrees.  The next day he had a light fever, but he was much better.  The day after that he was back to his old self and asking for sausage, one of his favorite things to eat.

The boys were baptized at church this morning.  This was the other big event of the week.  Today is Reformation Sunday, a day when Lutherans rejoice in God’s free grace in Christ Jesus.  It was great to see God working that grace in Slav & Sergei’s lives through the water and Word of Holy Baptism!  Clarion’s brother drove over from Tennessee and Joel’s mom flew up from Texas.  It was nice to have so many family members here as the boys were received into the family of God.  The boys were very well behaved.  We talked with them quite a bit about Baptism the last few days so they sort of new what was going to take place.  Below are pictures from the last week or so, including the baptism.

God’s blessings to you all!


 Joel, Clarion, Slav & Sergei  


Bill and Myra said...

How wonderful that the boys were baptised. They look so happy - I am glad things are going well!

Blessings to you!


Carey and Norman said...

What a wonderful day. Congratulations. We are very excited for you and the boys. Loved the updated photos. The helmets with the tricycles/big wheels are priceless!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. We wish we could have been there for the boys' baptisms. What a joyous event! We hope to meet the boys when we are in StL sometime.

God's Blessings!
Mike and Amber Bahr
(Gabrielle, Nathaniel, Josephine, Merciella, and Magdalena, too)

TxFarmhouse said...

Praise God for their baptisms. What a day to rejoice! I love your family picture. It's nice to see you all together after such a long wait for those precious boys. God's blessings to all of you.
Cousin Berte

Troy and Rachel said...

What a busy week and what handsome boys!! I love the photos with the puppy dogs of course!!

Cindy said...

The boys are so cute! Love the pics. Glad to hear things are going well. I, too, am Lutheran. Vika will be baptized at my church on Nov. 30. The whole family is coming for a big Thanksgiving at my house and the Baptism that weekend after. Take care.


Shane and Kathy Gebhardt said...

I love all of the pictures! The boys look so handsome in their dress clothes too!